Back-End developer
For direct hiring, we are looking for a Junior or an internship Back-End Software Developer.
Currently used technologies/practices are php7, zend framework, APIgility, RESTful APIs, swagger, doctrine, AWS, Behat T/BDD,scrum …
You have a strong appetite to discover a world where software development helps movie theatres ?
Send your details to, with the mention Back-End.
Front-End developer
For direct hiring, we are looking for a Junior or an internship Front-End Software Developer.
Currently used technologies/practices are angular 6+, redux patterns, scrum …
You have a strong appetite to discover a world where software development helps movie theatres ?
Send your details to, with the mention Front-End.
Product Manager
For direct hiring, we are looking for a Junior or an internship Product Manager.
Willing to understand the world of cinema technologies, willing to link software development with cinema exhibitors workflow optimizations. Able and willing to talk both a technical and a business language ?
You have a strong appetite to discover a world where software solutions helps movie theatres ?
Send your details to, with the mention Product Manager.
We are constantly looking for talented partners in order to support our growth.
You are skilled in security, networks, infrastructure, software development or open source technologies.
You constantly refocus on ensuring you always deliver appropriate value to your customers.
You can manage the challenges of working in a small company within an international environment?
You are willing to support the second phase of conversion of cinema to digital.
Above all you work with passion and want to join a dynamic growing structure.
Feel energized for the challenge and are willing to join our office from North Luxembourg?
Send your details to